Book an Appointment

Welcome to our appointment booking page. We look forward to working with you!

Please note, services from the Office of Learner Affairs (OLA) are available to current learners. Newly admitted learners can access OLA services once they start their program at U of T. There are some exceptions that apply, contact us at with any questions.

Services that are booked directly (without utilizing the booking form):

The following services can be booked directly using Veribook. If you are a new user, please create a Veribook account.

Writing Specialist support can be booked directly by emailing

For all other appointment types, please utilize the form below:

Please choose from one of the following selections to request an appointment with someone in our office.

Information Submitted

Description of Services
Resources Available to MD and MD/PhD Learners

  • Learner Life Specialists (LLS): provides confidential, short-term individual counselling/psychotherapy, wellness coaching, system navigation, and support.

  • Check Your Pulse (CYP): a voluntary, brief, informal, and confidential meeting with a LLS to introduce OLA’s services, check-in on learner wellness, or debrief an impactful event. Meetings are for 30 minutes and are meant for learners who have not yet connected with a LLS.

    Read more about CYP

  • Academic Coach: works with learners to review and adapt current strategies to optimize their learning potential. Our Academic Coach books directly online through Veribook.


  • Director – Undergraduate Learner Affairs: provides confidential administrative guidance and support for process navigation to undergraduate medical learners. The primary reason for self-referral is typically discussion about a potential leave of absence. At times, students may ask for support in navigating processes related to accessing accommodations, academic supports, and/or medical care.

  • Career Counsellors: available to MD learners for a variety of career supports, including and not limited to career and specialty exploration, summer opportunities and portfolio-building, work search, CV and cover letter review, elective strategy, specialty decision making, residency application CV, applying to US residencies, personal statement review, interview coaching, rank-order list discussion and discussing hybrid/alternate career paths. Career Counsellor appointments can be booked virtually or in-person via Veribook.


  • Writing Specialist: meets with learners for personal statement review (for residency, scholarships, or other applications), scholarly manuscripts and theses (from early stages to peer-review revisions), informal or public-facing work (e.g., patient education materials, blog posts), teaching and research dossiers for promotion or applications. Appointments for writing support can be made by directly emailing

    Email Michael Cournoyea

  • Physician Career Leads: advises medical learners on career exploration and speciality decision making from a physician perspective.


Academic Coaching can be booked directly using Veribook.

Career Counselling can be booked directly using Veribook.

Select all that apply

Appointments for writing support can be made by directly emailing

Please select
Between Mon-Fri for the next three weeks (e.g. Mon, Nov 1st - 8am-12pm). 
Do you prefer your appointment by:
(must have U of T/UTORid email for LLS appointments)
Are you currently seeing an OLA member for services?
Team member(s) you are currently seeing (check all that apply):

Information Submitted

Description of Services
Resources Available to MRS, OS&OT and PA Learners

  • Learner Life Specialists (LLS): provides confidential, short-term individual counselling/psychotherapy, wellness coaching, system navigation, and support.

  • Check Your Pulse (CYP): a voluntary, brief, informal, and confidential meeting with a LLS to introduce OLA’s services, check-in on learner wellness, or debrief an impactful event. Meetings are for 30 minutes and are meant for learners who have not yet connected with a LLS.

    Read more about CYP

  • Academic Coaching: works with learners to review and adapt current strategies to optimize their learning potential. Our Academic Coach books directly online through Veribook.


  • Director – Undergraduate Learner Affairs: provides confidential administrative guidance and support for process navigation to undergraduate medical learners. The primary reason for self-referral is typically discussion about a potential leave of absence. At times, students may ask for support in navigating processes related to accessing accommodations, academic supports, and/or medical care.


Between Mon-Fri for the next three weeks (e.g. Mon, Nov 1st - 8am-12pm). 
Do you prefer your appointment by:
(must have U of T/UTORid email for LLS appointments)
Are you currently seeing an OLA member for services?
Team member(s) you are currently seeing (check all that apply):

Information Submitted

OLA Services
Resources Available to Postgraduate Learners (PGYs / Fellows)

  • Directors, Postgraduate Learner Affairs: provides confidential administrative guidance and support to residents and fellows, including remediation or academic difficulty, leave of absences and back return to work planning, information about accommodations, policy guidance, career or postgraduate training guidance, and other program or personal related issues or concerns that affect training.

  • PGME Accessibility Advisor: provides disability and accommodation guidance and support.

  • Learner Life Specialists (LLS): provide confidential, short-term individual counselling/psychotherapy, wellness coaching, system navigation, and support.

  • Check Your Pulse (CYP): a voluntary, brief, informal, and confidential meeting with a LLS to introduce OLA’s services, check-in on learner wellness, or debrief an impactful event. Meetings are for 30 minutes and are meant for learners who have not yet connected with a LLS.

    More about CYP

  • Career Counsellors, Career Advising Team: available to PGME learners for a variety of career supports, including and not limited to subspecialty match strategy, subspecialty match CV, personal statement review, interview coaching (i.e. work search, subspecialty), work search CV and cover letter, hybrid/alternate career paths, etc. Appointments can be booked virtually or in-person via Veribook.


  • Writing Specialist: meets with learners for personal statement review (i.e. subspecialty match, fellowship, or other applications), scholarly manuscripts and theses (from early stages to peer-review revisions), informal or public-facing work (e.g., patient education materials, blog posts), and teaching and research dossiers for promotion or applications. Appointments for writing support can be made by directly emailing

    Email Michael Couroyea

  • Physician Career Leads: advises on a number of topics from a physician perspective, including career guidance, career navigation and transition to practice, fellowship guidance, residency program transfers, discussions concerning withdrawing from a program.

Select all that apply:
(do not disclose sensitive info in this field, only give a general description)
PGME Accessibility Advisor
Physician Career Leads, Career Advising Services

Appointments can be booked virtually or in-person via Veribook

Appointments for writing support can be made by emailing Michael Cournoyea directly.

Between Mon-Fri for the next three weeks (e.g. Mon, Nov 1st - 8am-12pm). 
Do you prefer your appointment by:
(must have U of T/UTORid email for LLS appointments)
(limited appointments)
(limited appointments)