person working on a computer

Academic Coaching & Clinical Skills Enhancement

The Office of Learner Affairs (OLA) offers a variety of services and resources dedicated to the development and support of the academic and clinical skills of learners.

To access Academic Coaching services, please book an appointment on Veribook

MD Program, MD/PhD, Medical Radiation Sciences, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, and Physician Assistant

Academic Coaching

As a Temerty Faculty of Medicine learner in the MD Program, MD/PhD, Medical Radiation Sciences, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, and Physician Assistant, you have access to an academic coach who will work with you to develop individualized study plans and to frame new, or to review and adapt current, strategies to optimize learning potential in order to ensure peak academic performance. The academic coach is available for one-on-one coaching and to assist with workshop development and facilitation.

To access Academic Coaching services, please book an appointment on Veribook.

Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME)

PGME learners who are experiencing remediation or academic difficulties have access to Learner Education Support in the form of academic and clinical skills coaching. This program is offered on a by-referral basis only.

Learner Education Support

Learner Education Support offers short term academic coaching for residents and clinical fellows fully registered in a PGME residency or clinical fellowship who are exhibiting difficulties during training in the following two areas: 

  • CanMEDS roles – Collaborator, Communicator, Leader, Professionalism coaching
  • Examination preparation support coaching – MCQ, oral, short answer, Royal College/CFPC exam coaching (previous failure required to access)

Important Notes: 

  • Requests for coaching must be made by a Program Director, Supervisor and/or person (s) in a leadership role within the Temerty Medicine 
  • Coaching offered through PGME is reserved for learners who are exhibiting difficulties in the above outlined areas 
  • Program Directors, Supervisors and/or person (s) in a leadership role may be contacted by Learner Education Support to request more details pertaining to support requests submitted on the form below 
  • ***Requests from learners will not be accepted

Coaching offered through PGME is not long term (limited to 1-3 sessions) and should not be a substitute for remediation. Please contact if you are unsure.

Learner Support Request Form 

Board of Examiners – Postgraduate Programs (BOE-PG)

The BOE-PG is a committee of the University of Toronto (U of T) Faculty Council that reviews cases of residents in academic difficulty. The members determine the acceptability of the recommendation for remediation, provide direction on the design of the remediation plan, and approve the appropriate status of training which could be: remediation, remediation with probation, probation, suspension, or dismissal.

Cases are brought forward to the BOE-PG by the Program Director (PD) on the advisement of their Residency Program Committee (RPC). The Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, or their designate also presents information to the BOE-PG about key process issues related to the case, and education experts provide the BOE-PG with a content review of the proposed educational plan.

This can be a stressful experience. The Resident Process for Remediation (PDF) is available to help you navigate the remediation process.

We encourage learners who are undergoing remediation to reach out to their Program Director, Remediation Coordinator (if applicable) and/or their identified mentor (listed in the individual remediation plan). Supports are also available through OLA. If residents have additional process questions that the above individuals are unable to answer, they can send an email to .

Learn more about the BOE-PG at the PGME Boards and Committees webpage  or by reading the BOE-PG Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) document. 

Note: Clinical fellows in difficulty are not reviewed by the BOE-PG. If a Fellowship Director has concerns about a clinical fellow in difficulty, they should contact for more information.

Important Guidelines for Residents and Clinical Fellows

The Guidelines for the Assessment of Postgraduate Residents at Temerty Medicine contain the rules governing the assessment and promotion of all residents in postgraduate training programs at the University of Toronto. It is the responsibility of each resident to read the guidelines and to be familiar with their content

The Guidelines for Educational Responsibilities in Clinical Fellowships is a resource for fellows and education leaders working with fellows.

Please see the PGME Policies and Guidelines webpage for a full list of resources.