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Medical Education Strategic Plan (2023-25): Year 1 Status Update (June 2024)

We have made a great deal of progress towards achievement of the initiatives and actions identified in our Strategic Plan. A description of achievements as of June 2024 as well as activities in progress and anticipated can be found below.

For an overview of the progress made in Year 1 of our Medical Education Strategic Plan please view the Year 1 Status Update summary report.

Strategic Priority A: Transformative Teaching, Learning and Education Scholarship

Strategic Initiative 1: Integrate a social justice, anti-oppression and advocacy lens across the continuum

Strategic Action: Status:
Establish an advisory committee with appropriate and diverse representation to support development of a methodology for visioning and review of the MD Program Foundations curriculum to effectively infuse a social justice, anti-oppression and advocacy lens in the MD Program curriculum Achievement. Advisory committee with diverse representation established and active over the 2023-2024 academic year. Review methodology recommendations, informed by an environmental scan and literature review, submitted by the advisory committee co-chairs to education leadership in June 2024.
Apply the methodology developed for visioning and review of the Foundations curriculum with support of MD Program education leaders, faculty, learners and community members Anticipated action. Development of a Foundation curriculum review implementation plan pending consideration by education leadership of the advisory committee’s review methodology recommendations.
Prioritize and implement recommendations from the visioning and review of the Foundations curriculum with high impact structural change and sustainability in mind, including a plan for robust faculty development Anticipated action. Prioritization and implementation of curriculum recommendations pending review of the Foundations curriculum.
Explore applicability of lessons learned and recommendations from the visioning and review of the Foundations curriculum to the MD Program Clerkship curriculum and Postgraduate Medical Education programs, including exploration of potential future visioning and review process for the MD Program Clerkship curriculum Anticipated action. Consideration of applicability of lessons learned pending implementation and evaluation of the Foundations curriculum renewal recommendations.

Strategic Initiative 2: Provide integrated and harmonized faculty development resources focused on themes and topics relevant across the continuum

Strategic Action: Status:
Develop and refine resources to help ensure that education leaders and faculty are:

- continuously evolving their approaches and practices in line with a social justice, anti-oppression and equity lens

- well positioned to provide trauma-informed support if they witness learner mistreatment or receive a disclosure about learner mistreatment

- aware and supportive of inclusive understandings of professionalism and receptive to addressing the affect of unconscious bias, particularly in the context of teacher assessments of learner professionalism
Achievement. A Reflexive Guide to Anti-Oppressive Education Development, which provides educators and facilitators with reflexive questions to inform education development, teaching and facilitation, was developed by the Centre for Faculty Development (CFD).

Achievement. The CFD offered the following sessions focused on equity and social justice over the 2023-24 academic year:
Rounds and Lunch & Learns (1 hr)
- First do no harm? Reflexive Case Scenario Development (Feb 26, 2024)
- Health Equity, Together, Today (April 9, 2024)

Workshops (3 hr)
- Understanding Power: “EDI” in Healthcare Education (November 28, 2023)
- Supporting Learners Who Witness and Experience Mistreatment (January 12, 2024)
- Responding to Diversity: An Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (February 15, 2024)
- Practicing Critical Allyship and Interrupting Microaggressions (March 4, 2024)
- Accessibility, Language and Inclusion (April 24, 2024)
- The "New" Professional Values: Unpacking Power and Privilege (May 13, 2024)
- Psychologically Safe Learning Environments (June 4, 2024)

Achievement. The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) incorporated social justice, anti-oppression, and equity considerations into relevant teacher-facing OFD faculty development offerings.

Achievement. The OFD developed a “Language Matters” resource for MD Program curriculum leadership to help ensure teaching and assessment materials are inclusive and appropriate.

Achievement. The CFD offers workshops and programming focused on supporting learners who witness and experience mistreatment (see above).  

Achievement. The CFD explores with identified faculty issues related to learner mistreatment for those enrolled in its coaching-based Enhancing Teacher Performance (ETP) program.

Achievement. A Primer for learner-facing teachers on how to navigate learner mistreatment was developed by a working group co-chaired by the OFD Director and a PGME learner. Future plans include bringing the Primer to life through a series of videos, on schedule to be launched in the 2024-25 academic year. 

Achievement. The CFD explores with identified faculty issues related to the impacts of unconscious bias as well as faculty assessments of learner professionalism for those enrolled in its coaching-based Enhancing Teacher Performance (ETP) program.

Achievement. New clinical faculty in the TAHSN network are required to complete a Professional Values Module (PVM) as part of their hospital appointment and faculty orientation, with continuing faculty required to complete the module on a three-year cycle. The PVM was revised in 2023 to educate faculty members regarding the central role played by the Temerty Medicine Learner Experience Unit in supporting learners who have experienced or witnessed mistreatment. The Office of Continuing Professional Development provided technical support for these revisions, including updates aimed at enhancing engagement and learning effectiveness.

In Progress. In collaboration with the Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs & Professional Values and Temerty Professor of Learner Wellness, the OFD developed an “Addressing Unprofessional Behaviour: Essential Skills for Leaders” video focused on helping leaders have conversations about unprofessional behaviour. Consideration of an effective implementation strategy is in progress.

In Progress. In collaboration with the Faculty Lead, Ethics and Professionalism, the OFD is developing resources to support use of a revised MD Program student professionalism assessment form, on schedule to be launched in the 2024-25 academic year.
Explore opportunities to more effectively enable and support faculty development integration across the learner continuum Anticipated action. A proposal from the Faculty Development Advisory Committee focused on how resources and supports can be more optimally managed to enhance faculty development across the learner/teaching continuum is under consideration by education leadership.

Anticipated action. The CPD and OFD are actively considering how faculty development offerings can reflect more inclusive language to invite greater faculty participation, engagement and uptake (e.g., movement away from “learner mistreatment” towards “enhancing teaching and learning environments.”)

Strategic Initiative 3:  Enable, support, implement and evaluate health professions education scholarship and evidence-informed innovations to have a tangible impact at Temerty Medicine and beyond

Strategic Action: Status:
Establish a strategic funding program to support research teams focused on studying the science, innovation and outcomes of current approaches to health professions education, such as Competency-Based Medical Education and other foundational paradigms in admissions, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and evaluation In progress. Implementation of a new strategic research and innovation funding opportunity focusing on identifying and supporting research projects with the potential for transformative impact within Medical Education and beyond is on schedule to be launched in the 2024-2025 academic year. This new funding opportunity will focus on identified themes, with the funded projects being led by experienced and multi-disciplinary research teams.
Explore strategies and models to identify, fund and support the implementation of research projects and innovations highly relevant to health professions education at Temerty Medicine In progress. Implementation of a renewed Education Development Fund (EDF) on schedule to be launched in the 2024-2025 academic year. Building upon and amplifying its historical strengths, the renewed EDF will continue to focus on emergent, curiosity-driven, and methodologically rigorous research projects and education innovations by newly engaged researchers working under the mentorship of established scholars and endorsement of education leaders. With education research capacity building being an underlying objective, the renewed EDF will also mitigate structural barriers to access.

Anticipated action. Discussions focused on research grant process alignment across the Medical Education portfolio have been initiated, including consideration of calls, adjudication processes, evaluation criteria and reporting expectations.

Anticipated action. Discussions regarding the development of a communication strategy, including opportunities to promote and encourage education research, have been initiated. 
Build upon existing practices and partnerships to embed education scientists, scholars and scholarship in operations and decision-making in and across the Medical Education portfolio, including in partnership with the Wilson Centre Achievement. The MD Program Curriculum Committee and PGME Curriculum Committee are both co-chaired by an education scientist who has an appointment at the Wilson Centre.

Achievement. The membership of several MD Program, PGME, CPD and Medical Education committees includes Wilson Centre education scientists.

Achievement. A new Director, Program Evaluation, Medical Education position, responsible for the development of high quality, theory-based program evaluation principles, guidelines, processes, and practices relevant to education programs that comprise the Medical Education portfolio, was created in collaboration with the Wilson Centre.

Strategic Priority B: Inclusive and Supportive Environments and Community

Strategic Initiative 1: Develop and refine integrated resources and programming to promote and support learner wellbeing across the continuum

Strategic Action: Status:
Develop learner wellness principles and guidelines applicable to all Temerty Medicine clinical learners In progress. Development of Health and Wellbeing Guidelines for Temerty Medicine clinical learners is nearing completion, with priority areas informed by drivers of learner health and wellbeing similar across diverse programs.
Enable and support capacity-building across education programs and clinical sites through the development of:

- a communications plan, informed by integrated learner wellness principles and guidelines

- ​resources or tools that can be adapted for specific programs and learning contexts
In progress. A communication plan is under development, informed by feedback and input from programs and learners. Communication and socialization of the Health and Wellbeing Guidelines will include presentations at program meetings, including to develop initiatives aligned with the Guidelines.

Achievement/In progress. Resources launched and under development include:

- Leading for Wellness Community of Practice offered to 60 Temerty Medicine leaders over 12 months, with program evaluation and planning for expansion in progress. 
- Toolkit for Wellness Leadership, to guide recruitment and development of leadership roles and committees at program level to support learner wellbeing, in final stages of development, with plans to launch in Summer 2024.

Safe and Inclusive Spaces Project
- Fostering inclusive physical spaces at Temerty toolkit developed, with review by learners and faculty in progress.
- Fostering inclusive social communities at Temerty-toolkit pending future development.

Fatigue Risk Management Toolkit/Plan
- Establishment of a working group with learner representation to support learners completing after hours on-call shifts in progress.
- Toolkit pending future development.

Supporting Accommodations for medical learners
- Interactive workshop relevant to all Temerty Medicine health profession education programs developed and shared widely to support faculty and program development.
- Accommodation Toolkit with resources applicable to all Temerty Medicine health profession education programs in final stage of development, with plan to launch in summer 2024.

Psychological First Aid and Mental Health literacy
- Psychological First Aid Toolkit to guide peer mentorship programs including psychological first aid and mental health literacy for faculty and learners across Temerty Medicine in development, with plans to launch in Summer/Fall 2024.

Strategic Initiative 2: Develop and implement a harmonized approach to preventing and addressing learner mistreatment across the continuum and at all clinical sites

Strategic Action: Status:
Develop and operationalize a single learner mistreatment guideline applicable to all Temerty Medicine clinical learners, including a sustainable communications plan focused on awareness and capacity-building across education programs and clinical sites Achievement. A single learner mistreatment guideline applicable to all Temerty Medicine clinical learners was implemented over the 2023-24 academic year. Representatives from the newly onboarded programs have joined the Learner Experience Advisory Council, and new learners, faculty, and staff have been integrated in the Learner Experience Unit’s communications plans.
Enhance Temerty Medicine’s case management system to enable more granular analysis of mistreatment disclosures and reports, including more nuanced consideration of incidents of discrimination and discriminatory harassment In progress. The Learner Experience Unit electronic case management system (data repository) has been updated to enable the collection of more granular analysis of mistreatment disclosures and reports. Consultations focused on determining on how to effectively and ethically collect, store, and potentially report this data in an aggregated and deidentified manner are underway, with particular attention being paid to building trust, particularly with learners from structurally marginalized, under-represented, and therefore highly visible, groups.
Raise awareness about, and develop programming focused on, learner-to-learner mistreatment, grounded in inclusive and supportive approaches to professional identity formation In progress. A “Conflict Management in the Learning Environment: Effective Conversations” module that provides a pathway for learners to pursue in resolving matters directly with peers, including if they don’t wish use established reporting pathways, is being piloted.
Amplify efforts by the Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) to address mistreatment by patients, families and caregivers, including integration of those efforts into Temerty Medicine guidelines and practices    Achievement. TAHSNe launched two resources in 2023: a toolkit focused on Responding to Learner Mistreatment from Faculty, Staff, and Other Learners and guideline focused on Responding to Learner Mistreatment Arising from Patients, Families or Visitors. The Temerty Medicine Learner Experience Unit continues to work very closely with TAHSNe to ensure an aligned and collaborative approach to addressing learner mistreatment between Temerty Medicine, clinical departments, and clinical placement sites.

Strategic Initiative 3: Develop and support equity-informed and supportive approaches to learner professional identity formation

Strategic Action: Status:
Identify professionalism issues and problematic behaviours common across the learner continuum, with a particular focus on issues that persist into practice and are detrimental to a safe, supportive and inclusive learning and working environment In progress. Collection of information in progress, including consideration of MD Program professionalism assessment forms, learner-to-learner mistreatment trends, etc., with the goal of identifying professionalism issues and problematic behaviours common across the learner continuum.

In progress. Consultation with the CPSO is also underway to identify professionalism issues and problematic behaviours common among practicing physicians.
Informed by the professionalism issues and problematic behaviours identified in action a, intersections with other competencies, and equity-informed principles and practices:

Revise the MD Program professionalism curriculum to enable medical students to more effectively identify and address common professionalism issues

Revitalize strategies and resources to more effectively support and enable professionalism teaching and learning for PGME learners
Achievement. A new Year 2 ethics seminar focused on professional values and responsibilities, bias, and building trust in the physician-patient relationship was offered for the first time in 2023-24.

In progress. A number of MD Program curriculum revisions are in progress, with an anticipated launch date in the 2024-25 academic year, including changes to the professionalism orientation session to clarify professionalism expectations at the outset of medical school; updates to teaching and learning focused on the appropriate use of social media, including in relation to professionalism expectations; and an increased focus on the impact of value-laden language, including in note taking, in the Transition to Clerkship curriculum.

In progress. Revisions to MD Program professionalism assessment form and corresponding faculty development resources to help clarify and align professionalism expectations and assessment processes on schedule to be launched in 2024-2025. Revisions include the removable of terms/wording grounded in a learner’s character and corresponding emphasis on observable behaviours, an increased focus on relationship-based behaviours (in alignment with a shift in focus in CMA and CPSO codes and principles), and the incorporation of peer support and wellness as aspects of professionalism.

Anticipated action. Consideration of approaches for early identification of learners in professionalism difficulty is in progress, including the development of a committee focused on identifying and providing interventions in Years 1 and 2 of the MD Program.

Anticipated action. Early stage consultations with PGME education leaders are in progress, with a focus on relationship building to more effectively provide advice and guidance regarding professionalism assessments, the identification of residents in professionalism difficulty, and opportunities for curriculum integration.

Strategic Priority C: Collaborative Teams and Integrated Operations

Strategic Initiative 1: Establish, support and value opportunities for administrative staff talent development, recognition and engagement

Strategic Action: Status:
Establish a staff-led advisory committee, reporting to the Medical Education Executive Committee, to advance integrated talent development and learning opportunities for administrative staff as well as employee recognition and engagement across the medical education portfolio In progress. Transition of the ad hoc Staff Talent Development Working Group to a standing Medical Education Staff Development, Engagement and Recognition Advisory Committee on schedule for implementation in the 2024-2025 academic year.  
Identify, develop and support opportunities for connections and recognition across medical education units and teams, such as an annual staff professional development conference and orientation sessions focused on the medical education context Achievement. The inaugural Medical Education Staff Newsletter was published in November 2023. The Spring issue was published in April 2024, with plans for three issues annually moving forward.

Achievement. The inaugural Medical Education Staff Conference was held on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Organized around the theme of “Career Growth in Medical Education: Inspiring a Professional Development Mindset”, the conference brought together over 100 administrative staff from across the medical education portfolio for a full day of professional development activities, including an “Inside MedEd: Understanding Our Teams, Roles and Contributions” orientation session.

Achievement. A variety of social events were hosted by the Med Ed @ 500 Social Committee and MD Program, including an Ugly Sweater Contest & Pizza Party Luncheon, Spring Has Sprung Potluck, Earth Day Clean-up in April 2024, and ‘after the flood’ Welcome Back Breakfast for MD Program Staff.
Develop learning opportunities for staff tailored to the medical education context, with an initial focus on project management, technology training, EDIIA, and communications Achievement. Dr. Andrea Wojnicki (Executive Communication Coach, offered attendees practical strategies for developing their communication skills as part of her keynote address on the importance and impact of communicating with confidence at the inaugural Medical Education Staff Conference.

Achievement. Results of the staff talent development needs assessment survey were presented at the International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) 2024 in Vancouver.

In progress. Development of an accredited professional communications certificate program on schedule to be launched in Fall 2024.

Anticipated action. Development of learning opportunities for staff tailored to the medical education context pending further discussion by the Medical Education Staff Development, Engagement and Recognition Advisory Committee.
Articulate and operationalize a best practices framework that enables and supports a harmonized and equitable approach to developmental assignments and stretch opportunities across the medical education portfolio Anticipated action. Development of a best practices framework regarding developmental assignments and stretch opportunities pending further discussion by the Medical Education Staff Development, Engagement and Recognition Advisory Committee.

Strategic Initiative 2: Harness and enhance technology for increased effectiveness, including integrated and improved data management

Strategic Action: Status:
Transition from outdated legacy systems and fragmented IT infrastructure across medical education to a system(s) that facilitates both essential and supportive operations and enables the collection of data to inform ongoing quality assurance and optimize the user experience for all stakeholders In progress. The Medical Education Information Technology Transformation (MEITT) Project is well underway, including a Request for Proposal process that involves extensive testing of the top two systems over the summer 2024. Vendor decision and implementation planning on schedule to take place over the 2024-2025 academic year
Explore technological solutions (e.g., artificial intelligence) or other tools to more effectively analyze and leverage narrative data from assessments, evaluations and surveys to identify themes and inform targeted, needs-based interventions In progress. Active investigation of available technology is underway, with a focus on identifying potential tools for effective use in the medical education context.
Investigate automation opportunities to increase frequency of reporting rotation and teaching performance data while continuing to ensure learner confidentiality Achievement. Power Automate platform and Power BI used to generate and distribute Learning Assessment of Clinical Teaching (LACT) form reports to selected departments, with plans to expand to additional departments; initial efforts have demonstrated very high efficiency potential.

Strategic Initiative 3: Enable and support a harmonized approach to program evaluation, including accreditation

Strategic Action: Status:
Establish an advisory and operational committee, reporting to the Medical Education Executive Committee, that serves as a forum for coordinated discussion, consultation, development and deployment of strategies and recommendations regarding the collection, analysis and reporting of teaching and learning experience/environment data in a more harmonized and aligned manner Achievement. Role and membership of the Data Management and Analytics Advisory Committee was revised in 2023-2024 to focus on providing strategic direction and leadership for the development and implementation of data management and analytics principles, guidelines and practices.

Achievement. Successful expansion of the Director, Program Evaluation, MD Program role to Director, Program Evaluation, Medical Education effective April 2024, with the expanded role being responsible for the development of high quality, theory-based program evaluation principles, guidelines, processes, and practices relevant to education programs that comprise the Medical Education portfolio.
Develop and support implementation of program evaluation principles and guidelines, inclusive of accreditation, to enable and support integrated, aligned or harmonized practices, including the identification of process revisions and resource needs In progress. Discussions underway regarding the most effective forums and processes to enable and support the development and implementation of program evaluation principles and guidelines, inclusive of accreditation.
Informed by University guidelines and existing practices, articulate data governance guidelines to enable and support more effective use of Temerty Medicine data for program evaluation and quality improvement purposes In progress. Discussions regarding the articulation of date governance guidelines underway, including the establishment of two working groups: one focused on confidentiality, privacy, and the use of learner and faculty data collected via learner management systems and the other focused on social identity data collected via surveys, with a particular focus on equity-deserving communities.