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Purpose and Scope of Our Strategic Plan

Purpose and Scope of Our Strategic Plan

The Medical Education Strategic Plan (2023–2025) is designed to:

  • Draw on the unique strengths and capacities of Temerty Medicine in general and the medical education portfolio in particular
  • Enable and support transformative integration and alignment across the continuum of education
  • Champion innovative approaches to teaching and learning in medical education
  • Clearly articulate and communicate the mandate of the medical education portfolio, with a focus on building community and ensuring everyone feels supported, engaged and valued

As a new office overseeing a new portfolio, this strategic planning process provided us with an opportunity to better understand the full breadth of our mandate, but with an eye to prioritizing initiatives and actions that are timely and highly relevant to our mandate. The initiatives and actions identified in this strategic plan do not represent the full scope of the portfolio, but rather provide direction about specific steps we are going to focus on over the next two years.

The strategic planning process reminded us that our community had an exceptionally challenging last three years, during which education leaders, faculty and administrative staff have nonetheless been actively leading or participating in initiatives focused on alignment, integration or harmonization across the continuum. To develop this plan, we worked closely with education leaders and administrative staff in the medical education portfolio to identify and build upon efforts that were already underway.

We were also reminded that strategic plans that focus on specific initiatives and actions are not always inclusive of essential day-to-day actives and operations, and can unintentionally render many individuals, particularly administrative staff, as silent and invisible. This strategic plan is designed to help us move forward in fulfilling our mandate, which would not be possible without our administrative staff and the day-to-day actives and operations that are foundational to our collective success.  

Finally, while the strategic initiatives and actions identified in this plan are specific to the work of the Office of the Vice Dean, Medical Education, we do not and cannot work in isolation. We are committed to working as a collaborative leader and partner with other decanal portfolios, departments, offices, and our hospital affiliates to advance the strategic initiatives and actions identified in this plan as well as other common or shared opportunities and goals.